
Retreats: An Opportunity to Connect, Reflect, Plan, and Impact

Cerulean Leadership partners with your organization to plan and facilitate organizational retreats that refresh and inspire your employees while planting seeds that will increase your return on investment. We work closely with you to tailor your retreat to the specific needs of your team/organization and define the objectives of the retreat so your highest priority needs are addressed.

Our retreats are designed to create productive synergies so that you make the most of your time together. Our approaches are always practical and results-oriented, and include thought-provoking, experiential activities that engage participants and that create passion and commitment to the ideas and action items agreed to during the retreat.

Possible retreat themes and topics include:

  • Visioning and Strategic Planning
  • Conflict Management/Communications/Collaboration
  • Team Building
  • Leadership and Management Development
  • Action-Focused Planning
  • Transformation and Change Initiatives
  • Innovation/Ideation
  • The Spirit of the New Workplace
  • Sales Training (e.g., skills development and/or an informational, educational or inspirational retreat for an upcoming product launch)

The Spirit of the New Workplace - The purpose of the "Spirit of the New Workplace" course is to help participants bring about the greatest possibilities of work, both for themselves and for others. It is designed to prompt a lifetime quest for learning about themselves, how they can best perform, and the role that they as current and future leaders can play in leading others to success in an ever-changing business climate. The course is structured around five "conversations" that are intended to encourage participants to see organizations in a new way: leading a living organization; creating and sustaining collaborative community; holistic human asset practices; fun with a purpose; and technology, virtuality, and humanity. Participants are exposed to companies and leaders (e.g., Southwest Airlines, W. l. Gore and Company, Google, Whole Foods Markets, SAS Institute, etc.) who are implementing new assumptions about the workplace and achieving extraordinary results in the process. They also engage in a variety of experiential activities that serve to illuminate aspects of mind, body, heart, and soul at work, including creative exercises, simulations, movement and body awareness, mindfulness and other forms of meditation, reflection and journaling. By introducing participants to various modalities that have the potential to lead to greater self awareness and self-effectiveness, the course offers them an opportunity to truly change their work lives for the better.

The focus of your retreat can also be any combination of the above themes and topics- whatever is most appropriate to achieve your desired strategic objectives and outcomes. To find out more about Cerulean Leaderships Retreat Facilitation Services, please contact Jeri Wilson, Director Cerulean Client Relations, at 310-413-8773 or email